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Is central air conditioning or dehumidifier better for archives

Update time: 2023-01-11 Click rate: 1038


Archives are institutions that collect and keep archives。To be responsible for receiving, collecting, managing and utilizing archives。Most of the documents stored are books, newspapers, photos, documents, tapes, videos, etc. Most of them are flammable, easy to damp, easy to mold materials。The environment of the archives is very important in order to preserve the integrity and durability of the data archives。

In the selection and design of air conditioning and ventilation equipment in archives, Xiaobian analyzes the dehumidification scheme of archives。



Central air conditioning

Central air conditioning has heating and cooling and dehumidification functions。Central air conditioning in the process of refrigeration, the temperature of the humid air through the air conditioner evaporator will be greatly reduced, the air humidity is in a supersaturated state, excess water vapor in the form of condensate precipitation, this process is called凝露"。The dehumidification mode of the central air conditioner is actually an incidental effect of the refrigeration process, which will increase a certain load on the compressor and affect the service life of the air conditioner。From the effect, the dehumidification speed is slow, the range is bottom, the humidity is not adjustable, and when the ambient temperature reaches a balanced state, the dehumidification function stops。




Dehumidifier consists of compressor, heat exchanger, fan, drainage system, housing and controller,Humid air is pumped into the machine during dehumidification,A heat exchanger cooled to a temperature below the dew point by a compressor refrigeration system,Water vapor in the air will come out,The condensed water flows out through drainage pipes,The dry, cold air is heated and circulates back into the environment。Dehumidifier dehumidification fast, and the system operation is based on the humidity probe feedback information operation, to achieve automatic dehumidification, humidity control accuracy up to positive or negative0.5

Refer to the technical specifications for the construction requirements of the archive room, the environmental requirements of the archive room are:

1Temperature and humidity range Temperature14C~24CNo less than14CNot more than24CWhere there is a temperature regulating device, the daily variation of temperature shall not exceed the temperature+2C

2, relative humidity45%RH~60%RH, For a humidity control device, the daily variation range of the relative humidity must not exceed+5%

It can be seen that the advantage of central air conditioning is mainly to adjust the heating and cooling, providing a comfortable temperature, and for the environment with relatively high humidity requirements, the dehumidifier can quickly, accurately and efficiently dehumidify, and can maintain a constant humidity, which is the dehumidification of the file tube方案。



Shanghai Zhongyou Industrial Co., Ltd. is a professional R & D and production of dehumidifier, precision air conditioning, chillers and other refrigeration equipment high-tech enterprises, ten years has always focused on providing customers with air temperature and humidity solutions。The application field of dehumidification program covers food production, glass, chemical industry, electronics, communication and other fields, and the archive dehumidification program has an industryThe experience of,Archives of Xuchang Municipal People's Government, Zhengzhou Archives, Anyang Procuratorate Archives, Binzhou Municipal Government ArchivesThe stable implementation of the project has played a role in protecting all archives from moisture, mold and moth。